Extreme Networks/EXOS

EXOS (X440-48t-10G, X450a-48t, X650-24)

show switch
System Type:      X450a-48t (Stack)
show session
show ports 1:49 information detail

Save configuration

# save configuration
The configuration file primary.cfg already exists.
Do you want to save configuration to primary.cfg and overwrite it? (y/N) Yes
Saving configuration on master ............................... done!
Synchronizing configuration to backup ...................... done!


Change admin pasword

# configure account "admin" 
Current user's password: 
New password: 
Reenter password:

Management interface

configure mgmt ipaddress
enable ssh2 vr "VR-Mgmt"


show iproute "Default"
show iproute "Admin"
show iproute "LAN"
# show iproute vr "VR-Mgmt"

Set default route:

configure iproute add default
configure iproute delete default
# configure iproute add default vr "VR-Mgmt"


# show dns-client
# configure dns-client add name-server vr "VR-Mgmt"
# configure dns-client delete name-server vr "VR-Mgmt"
# configure dns-client default-domain mydomain.lan


# show sntp-client
# configure timezone name CET 60 autodst name CEST begins every last sunday march at 2 0 ends every last sunday october at 3 0
# configure sntp-client primary vr "VR-Mgmt"
# enable sntp-client


create sshd2 user-key adminkey (paste your pub key here) subject "anything" comment "anything"
configure sshd2 user-key adminkey add user admin

To connect to those old things (SSH config file):

Host myswitch
        User admin
	KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
	HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-dss
	Ciphers aes128-cbc
        IdentityFile /path/to/ssh/id_rsa


Other vendors have you go into port configuration, and allow VLANs to pass on that port. With EXOS you add ports to the VLAN, and NOT VLANs to the port. It works the same but there can be a learning curve if new to EXOS.

show vlan

Create VLAN

create vlan WAN01 tag 200
configure vlan "WAN01" tag 200

Add/delete ports from VLAN

configure vlan WAN1 add ports 1:1 untagged
configure vlan LAN add ports 1:14,1:16,1:24 tagged
configure vlan WAN1 delete ports 1:1
configure vlan WAN1 delete ports all

Delete VLAN

configure vlan <vlan_name> delete ports all
delete vlan <vlan_name>

VLAN interface

configure vlan "Media" ipaddress
unconfigure vlan "Media" ipaddress


Show ARP table:

show iparp "MyVLAN"
show fdb "MyVLAN"

Search for a specific MAC addresse:

show iparp 58:9e:c6:29:09:2e
show fdb 58:9e:c6:29:09:2e


Slot-1 Stack 3.OG.8 # configure snmp 
  access-profile  Access Profile
  add             Add
  delete          Delete
  sysContact      System Contact
  sysLocation     System Location
  sysName         System Name
disable snmp traps


configure snmp delete community readwrite all
configure snmp delete community readonly public
configure snmp add community readonly complicatedname


configure snmpv3 add user snmpreader authentication sha password1 privacy des password2
configure snmpv3 add group "v3snmpRead" user observium sec-model usm
configure snmpv3 add access "v3snmpRead" sec-model usm sec-level priv read-view "defaultAdminView" write-view "All" notify-view "defaultAdminView"
disable snmp access snmp-v1v2c
enable snmp access vr "VR-Mgmt"
enable snmp access snmpv3
configure snmp sysContact admins
configure snmp sysLocation myLocation
configure snmp sysName X650-24x

Web interface

enable web http
enable web https
disable web http
terminate process "thttpd" graceful
terminate process "thttpd" forceful


you need to have an interface capable of pinging the address:

ping count 1
# ping vr "VR-Mgmt"


show cpu-monitoring slot 1
show cpu-monitoring process "thttpd"
show ports 1 information detail

Sharing (bonding)

enable sharing 1:38 grouping 1:38-1:40
# enable sharing 1:50 grouping 1:50,2:50 lacp

Perform all configuration changes to load share master (VLAN etc…)

disable sharing 1:38
show sharing
show lacp counters
show lacp lag 1:38


BUG: snmpMaster memory leak

# sh memory process "snmpMaster"

 Card Slot Process Name     Memory (KB)
 Slot-1 1   snmpMaster       94716           
 Slot-2 2   snmpMaster       3176
# restart process "snmpMaster"
Step 1: terminating process snmpMaster gracefully ...
Step 2: starting process snmpMaster ...
Restarted process snmpMaster successfully

source: https://community.extremenetworks.com/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=4af28bbc-45ab-4399-a311-f2be9a0f2e33&CommunityKey=929e6d1f-141a-4b6d-b66e-7ebfd2f3f952&tab=digestviewer#bm4af28bbc-45ab-4399-a311-f2be9a0f2e33

Extreme 210 (Linux 3.6.5)

Normal mode

(Extreme 210) >?

enable                   Enter into user privilege mode.
help                     Display help for various special keys.
logout                   Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.
ping                     Send ICMP echo packets to a specified IP address.
quit                     Exit this session. Any unsaved changes are lost.
show                     Display Switch Options and Settings.
telnet                   Telnet to a remote host.
(Extreme 210) >show vlan

VLAN ID VLAN Name                        VLAN Type
------- -------------------------------- -------------------
1       default                          Default


(Extreme 210) #show version
Machine Model.................................. 210-48t-GE4

Enable mode (admin)

(Extreme 210) >enable

(Extreme 210) #

Save configuration

(Extreme 210) #write memory

This operation may take a few minutes.
Management interfaces will not be available during this time.

Are you sure you want to save? (y/n) y

Config file 'startup-config' created successfully .

Configuration Saved!


(Extreme 210) #hostname newname

(newname) #

Config mode

(Extreme 210) #configure 

(Extreme 210) (Config)#


show snmp

Remove SNMP community

snmp-server community complicatedname ro ipaddress
no snmp-server community public

Disable trap link-status

no snmp trap link-status all


ping a host to make sure the switch has it in his ARP table:

(Extreme 210) #ping
(Extreme 210) #show arp switch

find the port (the MAC addresses are uppercase !!):

(Extreme 210) #show mac-addr-table | include 00:0E:11:10:90:12

4        00:0E:11:10:90:12   0/18                   18       Learned

Official documentation