WDS / Installation
WDS stands for Windows Deployment Services.
Get a shell during install
shift + F10
Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition
Use diskpart to solve the problem.
This Computer’s Hardware May Not Support Booting to This Disk
Swap or remove temporarily other hard drives to let the install happen.
Unattend file
I found that if you use PowerShell then you don’t need to mess with ASCII
So to set the password as “IamAdmin” you add Password to it and thus encode “IamAdminPassword”:
$UnEncodedText = 'IamAdminPassword'
$EncodedText =[Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($UnEncodedText))
write-host "Encoded_String_is:" $EncodedText
And to decrypt :
$DecodedText = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedText))
write-host "Decoded_Text_is:" $DecodedText
Just need to remember adding “AdministratorPassword” to the built in Administrator password and “Password” for other accounts.
Tested this on unattended.xml for Win 10 2004
When pending devices get stuck
WDSUTIL /delete-AutoAddDevices /devicetype:PendingDevices
WDSUTIL /delete-AutoAddDevices /devicetype:ApprovedDevices
WDSUTIL /delete-AutoAddDevices /devicetype:RejectedDevices
Pre staging devices
You have to fill in at least the Name and the Device ID.
ID: Device ID is the MAC-Adress, which you can take from the PXE-Boot Screen (but without minus, dashes or anything).
OU: is the OU LDAP path with the machine name.