

Install tools

apt install open-vm-tools

Migrate Proxmox VM to VMWare

Find hard drive:

If LVM, the “real” path to the HD will be found like this:

root@proxmox01:~# pvesm path local-lvm:vm-109-disk-0

Then we convert it:

root@proxmox01:~# qemu-img convert -f raw /dev/pve/vm-109-disk-0 -O vmdk myvm_converted.vmdk

We transfer the converted disk to VMWare:

root@proxmox01:~# scp myvm_converted.vmdk root@esxi-01:/vmfs/volumes/volume-long-name/myvm/

In VMWare GUI, remove the disk and convert the newly copied one:

[root@esxi-01:/vmfs/volumes/volume-long-name/myvm] vmkfstools -i myvm_converted.vmdk myvm.vmdk -d thin
Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
Cloning disk 'myvm.vmdk'...
Clone: 100% done.

Then add the new HD to the VM in the VMWare GUI, start it and install the Guest tools.

Remove myvm_converted.vmdk on both ESXI and Proxmox



Port groups

The port group is where you set a VLAN. Then you connect a VM or a VMkernel NIC to it and it acts as an “access” port (in switch words).

A VM and VMkernel NIC cannot coexist in the same port group.

  • VLAN ID 0 (zero) Disables VLAN tagging on port group (EST Mode)
  • VLAN ID 4095 Enables trunking on port group (VGT Mode)



Documentation: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.5/com.vmware.vsphere.storage.doc/GUID-A5D85C33-A510-4A3E-8FC7-93E6BA0A048F.html

vmkfstools -i snipeit-import.vmdk SnipeIT.vmdk -d thin