UniFi Network Server
This thing is required to centrally set up the Access Points. It can run in a VM.
The documentation page of Ubiquiti is so badly outdated that you need 3rd party scripts to install the required Mongo database.
Great scripts are available there: https://glennr.nl/s/unifi-network-controller
Access points
SSH access:
ssh ubnt@your_ip_address
#default password is "ubnt".
Documentation: https://sites.google.com/site/altwhy/wiki/ssh-reset-adopting-unify-ap
Forget an Access Point
Device/Config/Manage Device/Forget
SNMP with VM
Actually the AP are SNMP enabled, not the controller itself.
The controller is a virtual machine, the APs are the hardware stuff.
Ubuntu install
What is missing though is:
apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless